About Us
Hi, I'm Liz,
I am so glad you found our website. I'm a mum of 2 cheeky boys navigating the world of small business. My background is in nursing and I've been a proud nurse for over 17 years, since having kids though, everything changed.
It all started when I was on maternity leave with our second son and our oldest wanted to play playdough. His dad declined saying he didn't like the way it made his hands smell. I piped up with "I'll fix that" and I whipped up our very first batch of scented playdough. The idea was born... not that we realised it at the time.
The name (Ready Scent Dough) was a result of a games night with my girlfriends (and neighbours- we never have to worry about who's driving as we can walk home). We were just tossing names around during a game of cluedo. It was nearly called "smelly hands" - can you imagine!
So "WHY" why am I in business? well, It's honestly all about you!
You! are the reason I'm in business, every time I get feedback that the playdough has given you 5 minutes peace or how much you love our dough, it absolutely makes my day. It's kind of like what I love about nursing, making a small change for the positive in someone's day makes all the difference, even if it's small.
Why is it all natural? Well, sorry that's on me. I just don't like synthetic scents and I love the added benefits of the therapeutic benefits of sensory play.
So if you're reading this and you haven't tried ready scent dough, What sets us apart from the rest? I don't know! Honestly even the store brought product has it's place. What we do have is an amazing natural playdough that we are proud of, an incredible range of accessories we are stoaked to be stocking, but to say we are the best is not our call to make. As I said earlier it is all about you!
Liz x